Anticipa and property management
Anticipa Real Estate is one of the top property management companies in Spain; it handles the sale and rental of more than 26,000 properties.
Although Anticipa manages assets throughout Spain, most are located in Catalonia, Madrid, Levante and Andalusia, primarily in the heart of large cities.
Once a property is acquired by Anticipa, the company carries out a number of tasks before placing it on the market: preparing it to be registered with the corresponding entities, investing in improvements, obtaining the necessary authorizations from authorities, and performing a valuation to set the price. Upon completing this process, the property is put up for sale or rented out.
In the case of rental properties, Anticipa Real Estate handles refurbishment tasks before the homes are placed on the market. This process of restoring and refurbishing properties has enabled Anticipa to make countless homes available to renters, particularly at a time when supply is scarce.
We strive to become one of the top property management entities in Spain’s home rental market. To make this goal a reality, we have invested in the company’s digital transformation by implementing some of the latest technologies that enable us to manage a large number of properties and scale the business.
By using Anticipa Real Estate’s technology platform to restructure processes, we are able to continue growing and take on new properties. The main objective is to create maximum value for shareholders and clients by efficiently managing the portfolio.

Homeowner and developer mortgage management
Over the past few years, we have managed a large portfolio of homebuyer and developer mortgages.
Anticipa Real Estate has been managing a portfolio of 40,000 homeowner loans that had been acquired from Catalunya Caixa in 2014, making it the company that manages the most homebuyer loans on the market. It also handles developer mortgages involving more than 5,000 collaterals as a result of acquiring various portfolios from financial institutions.
All of the loans are managed using a banking technology platform that makes it possible to cover the primary servicing, early arrears and litigation segments. Anticipa Real Estate’s good practices include the ability to offer a wide range of personalized solutions with a flexible and constructive approach throughout the various management stages.
To achieve this, our team of more than 50 professionals individually analyze financial assets to provide the right solution for each situation, allowing borrowers to fulfill their commitments with guarantees.
Likewise, Anticipa has a Code of Good Practices, driven by the aim of finding amicable solutions and offering alternatives for the credit situations of holders. In this segment of the business model, the company aspires to become the largest mortgage management specialist on the market.